How we protect you

Ireland State Savings Online service

As an Ireland State Savings Online customer, you will encounter a number of security features signing into and using the Ireland State Savings Online service including secure login, automatic logout, two-factor authentication and the use of verification codes to confirm an instruction on your account.

Recognising genuine contact from Ireland State Savings


Ireland State Savings will never contact you by phone requesting your account number(s), password(s), login details, Debit Card CVV, verification codes or PIN.

Ireland State Savings will never ask you for your PPSN when confirming your identity over the phone.

In response to a communication or instruction from you we may contact you by phone and ask you to confirm your name, address, date of birth and in some cases we may ask you to confirm information in respect of a recent transaction or indeed some other security question.

Text message:

Ireland State Savings will never text you requesting your account number(s), password(s), login details, Debit Card CVV, verification codes or PIN.

Ireland State Savings will never text you asking you to confirm your PPSN.

Ireland State Savings will never send you an unsolicited text message asking you to click on a link in the text message or request you to reply to a text message.

Ireland State Savings will never send specific details of your savings by text message.

Ireland State Savings Online Verification Codes:

Ireland State Savings Online sends Verification Codes by text message to registered Ireland State Savings Online customers when you are signing in or to confirm an instruction by you, such as a password change.

The Verification Code text message will always take the following format:

  • SenderID (who it’s from): ‘STATESAVING’

  • Message content: {6-digit number} is your verification code for Ireland State Savings Online e.g.

    "123456 is your verification code for Ireland State Savings Online”
Ireland State Savings Email:

Ireland State Savings will never send unsolicited e-mails asking for personal information. Always be wary of emails asking for personal or security details.

Ireland State Savings will never email you requesting your account number(s), password(s)/ login details, Debit Card CVV, verification codes or PIN.