Is there any limit on my overall holding of Ireland State Savings Products?

The following is details of the Maximum Holding Limit for each Ireland State Savings product


Maximum Holdings Limit

 Ireland State Savings product

Per Individual

Per Joint Holding

3 year Savings Bonds
(Issue 18)



5 year Savings Certificates
(Issue 25)



10 year National Solidarity Bond
(Issue 9)



Prize Bonds *

(40,000 Prize Bonds)

(80,000 Prize Bonds)

Deposit Account (Post Office Savings Bank) **



*It should be noted that Prize Bond Maximum Holding limit applies on or after 1 November 2015 and is not retrospective i.e. Prize Bonds added to the Prize Bonds register before 1 November 2015 are not included in Maximum Holding Limit calculations. When you repay Prize Bonds and use the proceeds to purchase new Prize Bonds this new purchase will be subject to the limits.

**The maximum overall limit for Deposit Accounts is €250,000 per individual customer. For non-individuals, the maximum overall limit is €5,000,000.

The limits shall apply to the combined amounts deposited in the Deposit Account and credited to the account of a depositor at any time irrespective of the number of deposits made from time to time.

The limits will apply to deposits made in joint names by the depositors. Amounts deposited in joint accounts shall be divided equally among the depositors, with the aggregate limits applied on individual basis across all accounts.

If you have deposited funds in the Deposit Account to an amount greater than €250,000 before 13 July 2019 you will not be required to reduce your savings. However no further amounts may be deposited into this account.  After 13 July 2019, if you try to lodge funds to a Deposit Account in excess of the prevailing limits, the funds will be returned to you.

For maturing with a value greater than €250,000, you may deposit up to the maximum overall limit of €250,000 into a Deposit Account. The balance of funds may be invested in other Ireland State Savings Products.

Exemptions to the maximum holding limit

Applications to purchase Ireland State Savings products which would cause your cumulative holdings in that product issue to exceed the maximum limit cannot be accepted.

Maturing Ireland State Savings Products

Fixed Term Ireland State Savings Products (Savings Certificates, Savings Bonds, and National Solidarity Bonds) that mature and that are reinvested into current Fixed Term Products are exempt from Maximum Holding Limits.

If any such re-investment brings the total product holdings in the current issues of Ireland State Savings Products registered in your name over the Maximum Holding Limit, you will not be allowed to make any additional purchases of the respective Ireland State Savings Product.

However, you may continue to reinvest maturing Ireland State Savings products already held by you.

Prize Bond Winnings

Prize Bond winnings that are reinvested (within 30 days of winning) into new Prize Bonds are not subject to the Maximum Holding Limit; however please note that these new Prize Bonds will be included in the calculation of your Maximum Holding Limit.

If any investment, including prize reinvestment, brings the total Prize Bond holdings registered in your name over the Maximum Holding Limit, you will not be allowed to make any additional purchases of the Prize Bonds. However, you may continue to reinvest Prize Bond winnings into additional Prize Bonds within 30 days of winning, as those Bonds are not subject to Maximum Holding Limits.


Inherited (i.e. the transfer to you of an Ireland State Savings product upon the death of the holder) Ireland State Savings Fixed Term products and Prize Bonds are exempt from Maximum Holding Limits for those products; however please note that these inherited products will be included in the calculation of your Maximum Holding Limits for Ireland State Savings products.

If any inheritance brings the total product holdings in the current issues or total Prize Bond holdings registered in your name over the Maximum Holding Limit, you will not be allowed to make any additional purchases of the respective Ireland State Savings Product. However, you are still eligible to inherit additional respective Ireland State Savings product(s) in the future.