How are Interest Rates set for Ireland State Savings Products?

Ireland State Savings products, which are managed by the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) enable personal savers to invest their money in the State.

Savings invested in this way are available to the Exchequer to fund Government expenditure.

Ireland State Savings form part of the National Debt of Ireland, and repayment of all Ireland State Savings money is a direct, unconditional obligation of the Irish Government.

Ireland State Savings products including National Solidarity Bonds, Savings Bonds, Savings Certificates and Prize Bonds are available to purchase via website, by post or in any Post Office

Rates for Ireland State Savings products are determined by the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) with the approval of the Minister for Finance.

The NTMA reviews rates to ensure that products remain competitive in the savings market generally, whilst providing value to the Exchequer in terms of borrowing costs.