Yes, you can purchase Ireland State Savings Products as joint applicants and hold the Products as Joint owners subject to Terms and Conditions.
Note: To purchase any Ireland State Savings product, both applicants must be Ireland State Savings Customers and each have a State Savings Customer Number (SSCN).
For more information see 'How to Purchase?'
All correspondence in relation to a Product held by Joint Holders will be sent to the first named Joint Holder listed on the Application Form, unless otherwise instructed by you.
Maximum Holdings Limits
A holding held jointly is equally divided between the joint holders and counted as part of the individual limits which apply to individual holders. If you have already reached your individual limit a joint application with another person cannot be accepted even if they have not reached their holding limit. The following are the individual maximum holding limits in place for Fixed Term Products and Prize Bonds:
The Maximum Holding Limit in Prize Bonds for newly registered customers on or after 1 November 2015 is €250,000 per individual, regardless of whether you hold Prize Bonds as a Sole Holder or a Joint Holder.
The Maximum Holding Limit in individual issues of Savings Bonds, Savings Certificates or National Solidarity Bonds is €120,000 per individual, regardless of whether you hold as a Sole Holder or a Joint Holder.
Note: Where Prize Bonds or Fixed Term Products are held jointly both registered holders will need to sign any transactions or requests relating to the joint holding.
Deposit Account (Post Office Savings Bank)
The maximum overall limit for Deposit Accounts (POSB) is €250,000 per individual customer. For non-individuals, the maximum overall limit is €5,000,000.
Deceased Cases – Ireland State Savings Products
If a Joint Holder dies, the value of the holding passes to the surviving Joint Holder. No part of that holding will go to the estate of the deceased party.